XTANT is an Asociacion Sin Ánimo de Lucro, a non for profit, rooted in Madrid and Mallorca, born from the belief that when passionate souls come together to create with joy, generosity, and purpose, nothing is impossible.

We are privileged to work in harmony with the Mallorcan government, as well as a vibrant community of artisans, artists, and craft collectives who share their time, wisdom, and creativity with us. Our tribe is beautifully diverse, united by a shared love for heritage craft and a vision to preserve its timeless essence for generations to come.

At XTANT, every single one of us is a volunteer—dedicated, driven, and deeply committed to building an alternative path for makers and consumers alike. Our annual gathering in Mallorca is more than an event; it is a joyous celebration of sharing: stories, talents, skills, and the ancestral knowledge that connects us to the past while guiding us into the future.

We know that meaningful change thrives in collaboration. To go further and faster, we open our arms and hearts to new hands, fresh talent, and like-minded associations or foundations who share our purpose. Whether you are an artist, artisan, designer, community leader, or supporter of craft traditions, we invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey of regeneration and reconnection.

Together, we can build something enduring—a legacy of beauty, balance, and respect for the generations to come. Because true profit isn’t measured in short-term gains but in our ability to be better ancestors and leave the world richer in wisdom, care, and connection.