FIBRA 2023
May 9th - 13th. 2023
As the 4th Edition of XTANT, FIBRA sought to examine the place of both the industry and of heritage textiles by returning to the smallest and most vital component of the entire field: Fibre.
It hosted a breadth of different artists and projects centered in and around the harvest, use and-or environment of natural fibers and natural dyeing practices. Inviting guests involved in shepherding merino sheep and treatment, washing and spinning of their wool.

The last half-century saw the textile market balloon to a value entirely unthinkable to any pre-industrial mind. In spite of this, the yearly tonnage of wool and cotton produced — the two most used natural fibers — remained relatively stable.
This difference was taken by synthetics. Going from a sizable share of the market in the 1970s to entirely dwarfing the use of natural fibers in the span of just four decades.
What are the consequences of this homogenous mass of polyester which now makes up the vast majority of our clothes, rugs and general wear? What is lost, amidst its unchecked growth? And, is the industrial model of producing natural fibers thwarting its own diversity?
In its many workshop's, experiences, talks and exhibits FIBRA amplified projects that utilized & protected waning or forgotten fibers and shared the stories and perspectives from those in the midst of it all.

Photography by Leyre López de la Paz