¨There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth,
we are all crew¨ Marshall McLuhan
XTANT was created with the belief that when passionate humans come together to build with joy and generosity, nothing is impossible.
Our tribe is diverse with varying skill sets but, what binds them is the love of heritage craft and the belief in community.
Taking the Mahatma´s words ¨Be the change you want to see¨ to heart, we invite everyone who wants to help build and be transformed by this unique experience to join us with their hands and hearts for the duration of the event.
The volunteers can select the area that most interests them and the days they can participate. It is very important for the project that the commitment is taken very seriously as it entails responsibility.
What we can promise you is a lots of learning and hard work but immense gratification and bonds built for life.
Kavita Parmar
Volunteer Inscription Form
Please tick the areas of interest and add dates you can be in Mallorca to form part of the different teams.