Lala de Dios

Teacher, lecturer, curator of international events in the fields of textile crafts, art and design, Lala de Dios has extensive experience in international cooperation for development projects in Iberoamerica and Africa working for the UN and AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development). She is also a weaver and textile activist by vocation.

Forty years ago she founded in Madrid her studio Indigo Estudio Textil together with her partner Enrique Moreno where they have produced textiles as well as colour charts in natural dyes and collections of handspun yarns.

A a textile activist, Lala has been involved in the promotion of crafts worldwide with a focus on cooperatives. She is co-founder and current chairwoman of Asociación de Creadores Textiles and is also president of the board of Oficio y arte, the Spanish Arts&Crafts National Organization with a membership of more than 900 craft workshops all over the country. She has also been the president of the European Textile Network ETN (1997 - 2019) and currently sits at its Advisory Council.



Jose and Sergio Martin - SPAIN


Las Hidalgas - SPAIN