Educational Program
7th to 15th June 2022
¨ The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting¨ Plutarch
An invitation to weave together
THE NEW NARRATIVE : Heritage empowering technology¨
A 10 day master course full of workshops, talks, debates and round table discussions led by celebrated maestros and maestras from the world of heritage textile craft, activism, regenerative agriculture and experts from the tech world working on the future (ethics, AI, Machine Learning). It is urgent that these worlds, the past and the future, be brought together at this very pivotal moment to dialogue with each other and together build a new narrative that is informed by ancestral knowledge and powered by exciting new technology.
We need to calibrate our compass before we turbo boost into the future! These 10 days are meant to incite, inspire and elate both sides with hope and purpose.
Dr. Vandana Shiva, Satish Kumar, Lisa Gansky, Álvaro Catalán de Ocón, Emily Bode, Yogi Cameron,Philip Fimmano, Li Edelkoort, Birgitta de Vos, Pascale Gastzen are some of the invited speakers...
Why now?
It is clear that the Digital Age has brought about some exciting disruptions.
1) Unprecedented Transparency : Satelites and other remote sensors in cell phones and elsewhere are making transparency the norm and privacy harder to find.
2) Mass Collaboration : The social web and the rapid spread of mobile devices are giving rise to new ways to collaborate around the world.
3) Intelligent Systems: Big Data, Machine Learning capabilities and Cloud Computing have enabled smart systems that combine human and machine intelliegence.
4) Mixed Reality : We are now in a time where there is a merging of real and virtual worlds, This mixed reality is shifting how we engage with each other and the world around us.
Together these and other disruptions are already shifting current power dynamics, norms and values
¿But how do we steer these disruptors towards the path we want ?
So far the Digital age has contributed to unsustainable production and consumption patterns as well as increasing inequities around the world. No one knows where these digital disruptors will lead. There are those who swear by the power of technology to save us and others who paint a pretty grim dystopic future. We believe it’s urgent we start to leverage these disruptions to drive the change we want to see.
© Birgitta de Vos / AAAA
Why us?
Those of us passionate about heritage craft can give many reasons for our obsession but these 4 values that craft embodies are pivotal for a real system change thinking.
1) Passion for Quality : Artisanship prioritizes quality and instills in the practitioner a passion to excel. So sucess is quality not quantity, key to a sustainable future.
2) Human Centric : Craft is about self-expression through honing of skills and personal perseverance but is also deeply rooted in community and harmony with the natural world.
3) Culture of Beauty : Craft promotes the pursuit of beauty and as a famous quote from Dostoevsky’s goes ¨the world will be saved by beauty ¨
4) Intergenerational Ethos : An artisan practices his/her craft like a ritual that embodies our connectivity to the past and a commitment to our shared future.
This digital age needs to be informed by these values for which its urgent we participate and lead to drive the change we want to see.
¨There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth, we are all crew¨ Marshall McLuhan

The Daily Schedule
7:40 - Yoga Class
8:30 - Breakfast
9:30 - Presentation by an invited speaker
11:00 - Debate on the topic of the day
13:30 - Lunch
15:00 - Craft Class
16:30 - System change workshop
17:30 - Daily summary gathering
18:00 - Meditation
This 10 day intensive program is designed to be holistic where we aim to nourish the mind and body equally. Each day will have presentations, debates, round table discussion and workshops around the topics of Cultural Appropriation, Open Source, Transparency, Radical Trust, Community Building, Patience Capital, Intergenerational Thinking, New Narratives, Renewable Resources, Closed loop systems, Natural Dyes, Metaverse Vs Mesaverse,
Design as a Catalyst for change, Creating intelligent healthy eco systems along side yoga, mediation, mindfullness, caligraphy, basketweaving, mending, spinning and chanting classes lead by leading world experts on the topic. There are only 40 students in this program from all over the globe.
The classes will be held in a monumental 13th century country mansion surrounded by the nature in the tramuntana.